Monday, April 9, 2012

Rice Bowls on a plate

Well hello there.  Sorry it's been ages since I have written a blog but I have had the equivalent of writers block lately and have not been cooking.  I think it has left the building though, I am feeling motivated to create delicious things again :). 

Tonight I decided dinner had to be extremely healthy due to the extreme overload of food we consumed yesterday.  Seriously it was not necessary to eat enough to feed a small army but that didn't stop us!  So here is my weird healthy rendition of a rice bowl.

I started by poaching two chicken breasts in chicken broth with a little garlic seasoning and pepper.  Depending on what kind of rice you use and how long it takes to cook you may want to start the rice right away too.  I also cooked my rice in chicken broth.  I always cook rice in some sort of broth.  I like to insert flavor wherever I can. While the chicken was cooking I chopped up whatever random veggies I had in the fridge (pictured below).  It ended up being carrots, onion, red pepper, yellow pepper, and zucchini.  I also cut up a few cherry tomatoes and an avocado but kept those separate(didn't think they would taste very good stir fried).
Once the chicken was cooked, I diced it up and set it to the side.  Then I heated a pan rather hot and threw in a little olive oil.  I stir fryed the veggies for about 4 minutes.  Just until they were heated and starting to brown a little.  I still wanted them to be crunchy and delish.  Here is what they looked like.
Now for the assembly...
I stared with a bed of red leaf lettuce followed by brown rice, the stir fried veggie mixture, diced chicken, cherry tomatoes, and avocado to top it off.  Dustin ate his with western salad dressing but I just doused mine in lime juice.  I would have made cilantro lime rice but my cilantro is not quite big enough to use.  See...

Anyway back to dinner.  It was a perfect dinner to follow up a day of unnecessary eating!  This is what it looked like.  It wasn't pretty but it was so damn good!